Monday, April 12, 2010

Table Chart: Hurricanes and Tornadoes

In the table given to us I’m going to tell you about the differences between the tornado and hurricane and there is a big difference when comparing them.
First of all the minimum wind speed of hurricanes is 74 mph where 40 mph is the minimum wind speed for the tornado but it also tells us that the tornado has a larger maximum speed of 250-300 mph on the other hand the hurricanes maximum speed is only 150-200 mph
When you compare between the duration of them it is a fact that the tornado usually happens in a average of one week and lasts for few minutes and some lasts for few hours, the hurricanes have an average width of 300 miles whereas 100-600 meters is the average width and some get up to 1.5 KM.
As you can see hurricanes and tornadoes are different from each other. In my opinion I think the hurricanes are more dangerous than the tornadoes, because they have a huge width which can cause a lot of damage.

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