Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mobile phones & driving

Science and statistics prove that using the mobile phone while driving has a higher risk to cause an accident because talking on the phone distracts you from concentrating on the road. In every argument there are two sides and this is no exception; for example a mobile phone is considered a necessity if you’re planning a long journey in the desert or traveling in the middle of the night not only to feel secure but to call for help in case you face any problems. There are better ways to prevent accidents and using your mobile phone in the same way; for example you can stop the car to have your call. People think that the negative point in using the phone is having to hold it with the other hand, which is nonsense because studies show that a lot of people do have accidents while using their mobiles and using headset which proves that it is the distraction that causes the accident not the mobile device itself. Nevertheless a lot of countries ban using hand held mobile phones while driving to decrees the amount of accidents and inflict big penalties on people who break this law. Nowadays having a mobile phone around is a must and we can’t say that it is not important and we can give it up, but it is better to teach the new drivers and update old drivers how to use it safely on the road and show them to let them know what might happen if they are reckless drivers and what the lack of concentration can do to them and their children. It is a fact that using the phone while driving can cause major damage and we are interested in the safety of them and the people.

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